Please, is there any way to invert the content of the "Comments" column in Alarm Console?
Ideally, I'd like to see the comment first, then all the other info: it would help especially when the comment has a ticketing system ID within the first 15 characters or so.
At present, I can expand the column to the required width and read all the content, but it is a lot of dragging at times, and so it requires frequent adjustments of the Alarm Console layout (especially if we need more columns than what's shown below):
As an alternative, is there any system option to show the comments in the side panel?
Is this any different in DM10?
Hi Alberto,
At the moment there is no option to show the comments first and the details afterwards. If needed this can alway be added.
You can also open the alarmcard of the alarm (just right click the alarm => Open => alarmcard). In this card you can see the comment completely per alarm entree and more readable than in the alarmconsole itself. Is this something you can use?
Thanks for your suggestion, Michaël
I use also the Alarm Card quite often, but just to retrieve details of a single alarm.
What I’d like to have is a very quick snapshot of the start of each comment for every alarm entry in console – this would make the difference in my use-case.
As it is, I need to enlarge the “Comments” column and I’m not too interested in “when/by Whom” the comment was added – that could be displayed at the end of the comment rather than at the begininning.
Since this is not a possibility yet, I’ve logged this feature request to be evaluated: