We have an element that monitors SLAutomation scripts, which includes when the script started. We want to raise an alarm if the difference between time started and current time is greater than x seconds - which may give an indication of an issue with running scripts.
The start time parameter is enabled for alarming, so is it possible to set the alarm template to alarm if the difference between Start Time and now is greater than x seconds?
Hi Dave,
Your use case is similar to what we achieve with alarm hysteresis. A possible option could be adding an extra column in your table that can be used as a 'flag' to trigger an alarm. This extra column should have the following characteristics:
- The default value of this new column could be, for example, '0'
- When the script parameter is started, you can set the value of this new column to '1'
- When the script is completed, you can set the value of this new column back to '0'
In the alarm template, this 'flag' column will need to be monitored. You could assign a normal severity to the default value (in the above example, '0'). For the other value ('1'), you can assign a different severity. Then, using hysteresis, you can define the amount of seconds that should pass before triggering an alarm.
Hope it helps.

Thanks for the suggestions Miguel and Joey.
In the short term I think I’ve achieved an alarm based on the presence of a row in the table, looking at the parameter that normally shows as Running. A wildcard alarm on that parameter combined with hysteresis appears to create an alarm, but Joey’s suggestion might be the better one to try in the longer term.
When adding a new parameter anyway, you could also opt to add a column indicating the time it is running already. You will achieve the same, but you have a bit more visibility when accessing the element card in that case.