I have a use case in which I would like to trigger a notification mail (preferably with an alarm trigger) if my date time parameter exceeds the current server time.
Is there any way to do this save from scripting and/or protocol changes? Has anyone also had this use case before? How did you solve it?
Hi Toon,
What do you mean by the "Date Time Parameter"? Are you referring to the device's date and time?
If I understand your question correctly, I suggest the following approach:
1. Create two parameters in the protocol:
a. Server Date Time - This parameter will record the server's date and time at regular intervals.
b. Time Difference - This parameter will have two discrete values: "Same" and "Different".
2. While recording the Server Date Time, the protocol will compare it with the Device Date Time parameter.
3. If the Device Date Time parameter matches the Server Date Time parameter, the Time Difference parameter will display the value "Same". Otherwise, it will display "Different".
4. The Time Difference parameter can be used with an alarm template, and by using a correlation rule, DataMiner can send an email notification whenever this parameter triggers the alarm.

Thanks Jeeva. I figured I could have adjusted the protocol, but was just wondering if we had another way to do it purely based on my parameter that holds a date time. Eventually I scheduled a script that checks the dates, since I mostly wanted the notification and didn’t really care about the alarm.