Hi Dojo,
I'd like to learn more about the workflows and the transitions that are available in the current implementation of the Collaboration portal: is this currently based just on Scrum and Sprints?
Could it be possible to experiment with Kanban too? Any steer will be helpful.
I have a feeling that Kanban could be helpful where the same squad needs to deal with both project tasks and with any interruptions coming from urgent items in the Maintenance and Support queue: what's the standard workflow in the current deployment? Is Sprint mandatory?
Thank you,
PS: I noticed that in the past, after adding feedback on a "Waiting" item, it could go to "In Progress" - this seems different now, with only one state that can be selected on the customer's side, i.e. "Investigation" - it makes sense, but is it possible to generate/get notifications in the collaboration tool (not via email) when tasks are reassigned?
With reference to your task-flow, what's the expected state for items that have been scheduled for the current sprint?
Hi Alberto,
You can use SCRUM or KANBAN in the collaboration board.
However, you can also use a combination of both.
For example: Unit-X is using SCRUMBAN.
Also, we work from right to left.
Why? stop starting and start finishing!
We want to deliver outcome 🙂

I think I use the same principle on my internal kanban too – when tasks are moved back to “In progress” from “Feedback Required”, I put them on top of the “In progress” Column (not sending back to “Analysis” or the task loses momentum). I also tend to limit the number of items that are “in progress” for the same reason you mentioned, Matthias 🙂
I love the “stop starting and start finishing” – never heard that one myself.