The HTML5 Dashboard can display single aggregation data points. Can an Aggregation Rule Tree or Table be displayed in the HTML5 Dashboard. Such as the tree and table show in the images.

Hi Rene – That is true.
That was one option we have explored. All the data needs to be displayed on the same page. The issue is we would need to create about 20 separate queries. All the data is already in a aggregation rule table.
As Wim mentioned, one option is to create and aggregation component in a Cube Dashboard. I can put this dashboard into a visio/view and then add it to the new dashboard. I was looking a direct method from the Dashboard App.
This is not possible yet in the new Dashboards application. Feel free to create a new task on Collaboration to get this added.
It is possible to do this in the legacy Dashboards module via the Aggregation component.

Hi Wim – just a thought, not entirely sure, but isn’t the aggregation data stored in a hidden system element, and in that case would it be conceivable that the data can be displayed in a new dashboard if one would know the reference ID of that element? Long shot probably, but I wanted to make sure that this is not maybe achievable via this less conventional way.

You can get the data via a GQI query (get parameter table by id node) if you get to know the element ID indeed (not via the ‘parameter’ data source in dashboards because the aggregation element is hidden in the element selection boxes).
The result will be a rough result table with view ID’s (which you can resolve via joining the view info)
PS: You can get to know the Aggregation element info by doing a Info/AggregatorElementInfo request via slnetclienttest tool.
If you know the ID of the aggregation element (can also be found in the rule configuration xml), then there are indeed some hacky ways to visualize the data (using GQI like Pieter’s comment, or by manually editing a dashboard json file). But this raw table data contains raw rule IDs, view IDs, PKs, etc. Via a table component, the data won’t be nicely shown in a collapsible tree. Via a GQI query, it won’t show units, trend icons, nor the alarm severity.
Randy – It might also be that you are able to use GQI to come up with dynamic aggregations within the Dashboards client itself.