When some of our users are using the advanced search function pinned to the sidebar more results return than expected.
Our Cube is set up to only retrieve View results (despite All types being displayed in the dropdown box). Some operators, however, are also getting element and service results). This means they need to sift through those to get to their desired View result.
I cannot see any noticeable difference in use setting between users for whom this does and doesn't work so looking for any ideas anyone might have.
I have attached two images as an example. I am also wondering why the 6063 Nannup Devices View is coming up in the 'working' example. I cannot see any 2040 reference in the view that would result in it being filtered out for display.
Thank you! 🙂

Hi Tom, can you check following settings on the MaintenanceSettings.xml file of the DMAs?
Do all users connect their client to the same DMA?

Hi Jeroen, thank you for your reply and suggestion.
I did think that initially, but our operators use different DMAs (we have 8 in total) and this only affects the operators who have started recently.
I also logged into all the DMAs to test and the search function behaved as it should across all DMAs for me.
As this question has been inactive for a long time, we will now close it. If you want further assistance, feel free to post a new question or contact techsupport@skyline.be.