Is it possible to still copy a protocol (from one DMA - our clustered DMA) into Notepad & import that protocol into another DMA please (our DMZ DMA).
Thank you!
Hi, as long as the protocol is readable (ie not encrypted) then this is still possible.

Hi Mark,
If the protocol was developed by Skyline, I will suggest to download it from the Update Center. See DataMiner Help - Updating protocols with the Update Center
If you are developing a protocol using DIS (DataMiner Integration Studio), there is an option to publish the driver to a specific DMA. See DataMiner Help - Developing DataMiner protocols as Visual Studio solutions
If you would like to transfer the protocol manually, you could perform the following actions:
- Connect to the clustered DMA remotely. Keep in mind that you can connect to any DMA that is part of the cluster
- Look for the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\Protocols\DriverName (where DriverName is the name of the protocol that you would like to transfer). You will notice a folder per protocol version.
- Open the folder corresponding to the version that you would like to transfer and copy the file Protocol.xml. This file will need to be uploaded to the DMZ DMA.
- In the DMZ DMA, you can upload the protocol (see DataMiner Help - Uploading a Protocol.xml file)
One thing to keep in mind is that some drivers might depend on a third party DLL and those DLLs also need to be copied over to the other cluster