"Hi, Below is the screenshot of the service configuration" on Element table shows different alarms in actual element and when adding in service, 16th January 2025.
"Hi Miguel, Thanks for the response. Actually i'm trying to get the elements…" on Check if element is active using GQI, 18th November 2024.
"Hi Miguel, Thanks for the response. These are the elements under a monitoring…" on Display alarm color in node edge graph, 1st November 2024.
"Got a workaround. kindly ignore this" on Multi select drop down in LCA, 25th September 2024.
"Hi, Thanks for the response, i would also like to know if Skyline.DataMiner.Utils.InteractiveAutomationScript…" on Multi select drop down in LCA, 25th September 2024.
"Thanks for the response. This was quite helpful" on Get number of services present in a particular DMA, 21st August 2024.
"Hi Arne, Thanks for the response. Tried this and it was quite easy" on LCA editor does not have option for import, 14th August 2024.
"Hi Ally, Thanks for the response. Tried this and it was quite helpful" on Migrate LCA, DOM & Automation Script from Dev environment to Stage or Prod, 14th August 2024.
"Thanks so much Ward and Jon. That was pretty helpful." on Trigger automation script during GQI row selection, 8th July 2024.
"Hi Team, Update to the above case, now I just noticed that on…" on Element table shows different alarms in actual element and when adding in service, 20th January 2025.