
Klaas Dewitte

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First name Klaas
Last name Dewitte

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Hi If I understand the setup correctly, you have a parent view and a set amount of child views which all use the same Visio file. The Visio file lets you select a specific one of the child views and shows...

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3 Votes

Hi It is expected that the first time a user tries to open a Visual Overview in the mobile applications that it takes some time to load, normally after the first time it should be pretty quick. There...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Normally you should not need to provide the options "SingleSignOn" or "UseLoginCredentials". When Visio sees a url that links to the same agent that Cube is connected too, it will automatically add...

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Hi After some digging I found the reason why it did not work with parametersubscriptionfilter, when using this option within childrenshapes, it will try to index using the childrenshape index. This results...

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Hi This seems more an issue with permissions within Windows than within Dataminer. The stencils are loaded on the system so it seems more that Windows/Visio did not have permission to access those files...

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DVE elements can be used in the same way as other Elements within Visio. When element id's are stored in rows of a table which then are used within a childrenshape, with the intend of having shapes which...

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Hi This is indeed strange behavior. I have attempted to create a similar setup and it works as expected. What would be the values that you would expect to be resolved for [this element] and [parenttableindex]?

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Hi, There seems to be an issue with how automation scripts are handled in an execute shape data when there are also variable placeholders in that shape data. The variable placeholder seems to retrigger...

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Hi I tried creating what I think you wanted to achieve. To add a subscription filter in this way, it has to be added as a separate as shape data and not as part of the setvaroptions: Also mind the...

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Hi This can be done by using the "Show" or "Hide" custom property on the shape of the logo:

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Hi, We have a feature called "Parameterssummary" which can be added on a shape, it will allow you to have e.g. the "max" of a set of parameters shown:

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Hi, in mobile visual overview, element links will always link to data page of the monitoring app. There is currently no way to have it link to the visual page without also changing the Cube behaviour....

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If it is a shape that is linked to an element or simular, you could use the “NoAlarmColorFill” option to not have that influence the colour:

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Hi On any shape that is linked to an Alarm (so the ones in this template), in the Alarm shape data, you can change the * to *|ALARM to have that shape display the alarm severity. This is the shape data...

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Hi, I could not find any reference of the “Disabled” event existing, only IOClicked and NodeDoubleClicked seem to be options. Now if I understand what you are trying to do, using Trigger=ValueChanged...

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In Visual Overview when using the ClosePage or AutoClosePopup options, the shapes that are used to close a popup must have a control specified. This can be for example the "control=button" in the Options...

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