
Steve Purcell

"Thanks Laurens, I completely missed that, looks like this will do what I…" on Is there a way to alarm on discrete state change from current state?, 27th February 2025.

"Thanks for your thoughts, Laurens, looks like the first option is still the…" on Is there a way to alarm on discrete state change from current state?, 27th February 2025.

"Thank you Wout, this works great." on Is it possible to pass View ID to Web Component to open specific monitor page?, 26th February 2025.

"Hi Wout, they were using the Generic map component DMA version 10.4.10. I…" on Maps showing blank page on dashboard, 18th December 2024.

"This happens on both DMA server Cube and remote client Cube. We also…" on After upgrade Automation and Correlation scripts no longer display scripts, 24th October 2024.

"Hi Alexandre, I finally had a chance to look at the driver. Everything…" on Generating a pdf report by mail using scheduler : issue with generated report, 5th August 2024.

"Hi Baranisurdha, Not sure if exactly what you are looking for, there is…" on How to display the resources and its columns using GQI – low code app, 12th July 2024.

"Hi Vishal, I was using Dataminer 10.4.2 and Generic Trap Receiver" on Generic SNMP Trap Receiver and Lookup Tables, 12th July 2024.

"Thanks Miguel that was the problem. Also, looks like Excel adds the quote…" on Key error when trying to import Ping Configuration, 9th July 2024.

"Hi Conan, For comparison, this function is working on Ziine with element SLC-BSW-00-01,…" on Dashboards: Errror trapped: InflaterInputStream Position not supported, 3rd July 2024.

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