Life cycle of objects in scripts

Hi Edib, Thanks for your question! Here’s a detailed explanation of how objects are created and destroyed in the context of SLAutomation scripts: Lifecycle of Automation Script Objects: In SLAutomation, …

Life cycle of objects in scripts

Hi Edib, Automation scripts are run as part of the SLAutomation process. As such, the life cycle of objects in a script respects the life cycle of C# objects in …

Trend Component not working

Hi Stefan, We’ve had issues before where trend data was sometimes not loading well in Visio and changing the time range by zooming or panning typically resolved it temporary. In …

reset autoincrement value back to 1 in a table

Hi, If Laurens’ suggestion doesn’t resolve the issue, you can consider implementing a custom auto-increment mechanism to achieve your desired behavior. When adding rows to the table, you can track …

Dashboard Query from a Service

Hi Daniel, If you are trying to get data from the actual elements linked to the service using the service as reference, it is currently not possible via the query …

Defining Visio local variables To show elements

Hello Yahya, The ‘Initvar’ Shape data needs to be specified on ‘Page’ level, so you probably have to unselect your shape, so you see the available options on ‘Page’ level. …

SRM licenses currently in use and resource scheduling

Hi Pilip, indeed, resource scheduling shouldn’t consume SRM licenses. I’ll connect with the colleagues internally to check why that’s not your case. With regards to the DOM license, we’re exploring …

How to Get active dataminer agents

Hi Baranisudha, To retrieve all DataMiner agents in the cluster, you could use the IDms.GetAgents() method from the class library (Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Common NuGet). To only get the active agents, you can …

DOM Optional Multiple Sections

Hi Jan, Thanks for sharing your issue with this detailed post. The error you are seeing (DomInstanceDoesNotContainRequiredModuleSections) is one related to the ‘Module Sections’ concept. If a SectionDefinition is marked …

Visio Check for ChildElement Name

Hi , Maybe if these Child elements are using different protocols you could use a Show based on Protocols. Here is an example bellow from one of my service templates: …

Update services from an updated service template

Hi Thomaz After having added the input data field in your service template, exporting the config and completing the config (fill in the data for your new input field) you …