Alarm Categorization

Hi Bassam, I believe the CATEGORY property on parameters could help you achieve that. Creating an information template | DataMiner Docs In an information template, you have the ability to …

Regarding the Sony NXL-ME80 connector

Hi Zheng, Could you let us know your DMA version? It appears that the minimum required version for the installation you performed is Kind regards,

Image scaling/resize issue

As was stated in the comments above, html is the solution. The easiest way is to put an html file in your webpages on your agent and input the image …

Show Alarms based on the SRM Services

Hi Jeeva, You can achieve this using the conditions in the alarm template. You can define a condition to disable the alarm if the service impact is smaller than 1. …

Image scaling/resize issue

Hi Stefan, I am not sure if currently there is a new property/feature that allows you to scale/resize the logo, but in the past (for a similar use case), I proceeded …

Low code app text input to feed a query

I answer to myself. I managed to make the App model. I created a new query, filtered by client name. Then I used column manipulation with a top 1 to …

Low code app text input to feed a query

Hi Joel, In 10.4.12 we introduced something called ‘Variables’ in both Dashboards and Low-Code apps. This seems to be exactly what you want. You can find some more info here: …

Does protocol.SetParameters() set in order?

Hi Joshua, If possible, try to check the possibility of using an automation script to perform these sets. Automation scripts will give you more control over the sequence of parameter …

How to remove comma’s from CSV dashboard report?

Hi Gabriel, The CSV report sent with the email includes the display values rather than the raw data. To address the issue with numeric formatting (e.g., commas in values like …

Open a specific parameter of an element in cube

Hi Yahya, Actually if it’s for a simple lookup, the advanced searched can do quite some interesting search queries. You can find more information about this over here:Searching in DataMiner …