Say goodbye to wasting your precious time logging into various systems, tirelessly hunting down the information you need, or training everybody in your organization to be able to do that. Instead, say hello to a solution that massively boosts productivity across your entire organization by empowering people with valuable and real-time updated information that they can access instantly.
Corporate collaboration tools, like Microsoft Teams, have become such important business tools that we’re spending nearly our entire day on the platform chatting away, editing documents, and checking our task backlog. But did you know that you can also use Microsoft Teams to get useful insights straight from any of your DataMiner Systems without having to make any time-consuming detours?
Fetching PTP alarms from DataMiner by using a single chat command in Microsoft Teams
DataMiner ChatOps
That’s right, the DataMiner chatbot for Microsoft Teams has pre-defined commands for easy interaction with any DataMiner System. But better yet, DevOps engineers can also add custom chat commands to enhance the bot’s capabilities beyond its original functionality so you can easily check which bookings come up in the next 24 hours, which files arrived on your file ingest platform, or if there are any files blocked in your pipeline… the possibilities are endless!
With the custom chat commands for DataMiner ChatOps, any team can implement chat commands that collect the data that’s relevant to them and translate it into an intuitive response with only the actionable insights they need to carry out their tasks. This enables users across your entire organization to now get valuable information more quickly than ever before, boosting productivity to new heights!
DataMiner ChatOps – custom chat commands
Check out this use case demonstrating the DevOps power of custom chat command in Microsoft Teams.

Please note that you need to be logged in to access our use case: in the top-right corner of the screen, click LOG IN and authenticate yourself with your corporate email address.
Check out the DataMiner Teams bot and upgrade your workflows today!
- Learn more about ChatOps and the DataMiner Teams bot on DataMiner docs
- You can access the ChatOps script via GitHub
Please note that only cloud-connected DataMiner Systems can benefit from the DataMiner Teams bot integration. Visit DataMiner docs to find out how you can connect your DMS to the cloud!
Such a fantastic DataMiner feature that can boost and simplify any daily operation.