Is DataMiner.xml synced in a failover?

Hi Catarina, The <LDAP> and <SNMP> elements are automatically synced between failover agents. However, <AzureAD>, <ExternalAuthentication>, <SNMPv3> and others are not. When making manual changes to this file, it is …

Protocol Visio: Shape Tab Color based on Table Column Filter and Alarm Severity

Hi, We have a feature called “Parameterssummary” which can be added on a shape, it will allow you to have e.g. the “max” of a set of parameters shown:

Unable to publish using DIS

Hi Hari, I believe you are experiencing a similar issue as one I encountered recently. This can be encountered on some occasions when you update DIS and not Visual Studio …

Unable to publish using DIS

Hi, it looks like your script is not compiling because it’s using a NuGet package from a source that is not configured. I suggest having a look at the configured …

Unsigned taskbar utility

Hi Arunkrishna, Reason SLTaskbarUtility is being blocked is our fault and fix for it will be release in the next version, your IT didn’t actually block anything. As for why …