Localhost connection error after agent installation

Hi, The HTTP timeout exception means that Cube was not able to retrieve the connectionsettings.txt file. Since you made some configuration changes in IIS, would it be possible to share …

GQI/LCA Column manipulations

Hi Carlos, Both custom operators and column manipulation operators indeed do not support real-time updates yet and will only update every 30 seconds if an update was detected. Real-time updates …

how practice protocol with http device

Hi Chirangee, There is a learning and certification path: DataMiner Connector Integration: HTTP Basics – DataMiner Dojo Scripts & Connectors Developer: HTTP Basics – DataMiner Dojo Another option is to …

ATEME Pilot Manager

Hi Ángel, Looking into the catalog, there is not any connector named Ateme Pilot Manager. But there is one called Ateme Pilot Media which be what you are looking for. …

DropDown issue on Low Code App

Hi Dario You are indeed seeing different visualizations because of the different versions. With DataMiner 10.3.0[CU13]/10.4.0[CU1]/10.4.4, we introduced the ability to show the results of a query in a dropdown …

how to practice protocol

Hi, You should be able to find several topics in our Learning section that can assist you with most of what you need. With a special focus on what you …

change DMA IP

Hi Cedric, You will find the details about changing the IP address in DataMiner Docs. Hope it helps.

change DMA IP

Indeed, some changes to configuration files are needed, and these depend on your setup. You can find detailed info about this here: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Functionality/DataMiner_Agents/Configuring_a_DMA/Changing_the_IP_of_a_DMA.html