Is it possible to customize the date and time format of SNMP forwarding notification which are being forwarded towards the north bound interface. Lets suppose we want to change the format as per the following date and time format and then forward the trap to destination.
2022-06-03T13:18:24: Error: E-ETC-102-036: Fail to parse date string: 2022-06-03 13:18:19 using format: M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a. Error code: U_PARSE_ERROR
2022-06-03T13:18:24: Error: E-ETC-102-036: Fail to parse date string: 2022-06-03 13:18:19 using format: M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a. Error code: U_PARSE_ERROR
We currently don't support changing the format of the date time fields parsed to Octect strings. Feel free to post a feature suggestion on the following page, if this gets enough up-votes it can get traction to be implemented:
DataMiner Feature Suggestions - DataMiner Dojo