I'm looking for Dataminer cluster use case for 2 x DMA servers with 1 x monitoring system that was detected from the 2x DMA servers.
Can you share this kind of use case with me?
Hi Max,
If I'm not mistaken you would simply like to put 4 DMA nodes in one cluster (DataMiner System, DMS) such that this cluster behaves as one entity. This is a standard DataMiner feature and how to do can be found in DataMiner Help : DataMiner Help
As you will read in the instructions, it is important that you first add the empty DMAs with same SW version to the cluster before you start populating them with elements.
Hi Max,
Could you maybe elaborate on what kind of information you are looking for? Because it's not entirely clear for me based on your initial question what you are asking for.

Sorry for the delay in getting back on this thread. But Didier also provided already some input. I trust that his response was what you were asking for? If not feel free to get back to us in this thread.
Hi Ben
Thanks for your answer.
4 x Dataminer(cluster)
Monitoring/health status check/configuration for 30 x elements with a graphic view.
Top-level Dataminer
only monitoring alarm/health status check that included the 4 x Dataminer cluster elements with a different graphic view(all elements in the one graphic view)
I heard Dataminer supporting the great cluster feature my use case
So I’m looking for the use case of 4 x Dataminer(cluster each other) + top level NMS and how to setup it to the Dataminer.