Hi Dojo,
I've spotted what seems to be intensive usage of SLElement on a few DMAs:
in some server, the memory can build up to go beyond 8GB - while in other is way lower than 6GB:
what's the average for this process in nominal conditions?
And when the memory usage seems high, is there a quick way to find if it is down to a specific protocol
when checking the memory dump?
Hi Alberto,
The memory usage relies on how many elements you have, how many parameters in those elements have to be displayed to the user, how many alarms need to be created. Drilling down to one number might be difficult but if I were to guess, roughly 25% of total RAM would be a good number. Again, this depends on parameters.
SLElement.exe | DataMiner Docs
SLElement | DataMiner Docs
It is advised to pass the memory dump to the techsupport team as they have special tools to debug memory dumps.