Hi, I have an element created with a Timed Action wich should be executed every 4 hours,but I see that everytime I connect with the element these QAction (and others) are also executed. Is theree any way to avoid these QActions to be executed on Element Connection?
Thijs Vanovenacker [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 13 hours ago
Hi, The behavior you describe doesn't sound normal. Could you please elaborate your question and include how your timer is defined in the protocol XML please?
Opening the element connection should by default not impact the execution of your timer group. Therefor my initial guess would be a wrong configuration or usage. Could it be that you configured the "DataDisplay" option on your timer? This would by design increase it's execution frequency when the elementcard is open. (https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/schemadoc/Protocol/Protocol.Timers.Timer.Time-dataDisplay.html)
Extra note: the time you define on your timer is defined in milliseconds.
Looking forward to some extra context, then we should be able to get you forward easily. Thanks!