I am trying to create a correlation rule where it fetch the alarm of a certain element and email the alarm data as an action.
But the message is being send as a plain text rather than as a data.
Email that I received:
Can someone help me with how can I fetch the alarm data and send it as an email
Hi Ramesh,
You could use the examples from NotifyTemplates to replace the placeholders with information from the alarm that triggered the correlation rule. For email notifications you need to put the placeholders between brackets:
Hope it helps.
Thanks for the suggestion guys. It helped me to understand.
Now I have created a script to fetch the alarm data and send an email. But I need to pass the [alarmId] placeholder in correlation rule to trigger the script. I am able to pass the element name, parameter name as a placeholder [filed(elementname)]. But I am unable to pass the alarmId as placeholder.
Could someone suggest how this can be achieved.

You can check the DataMiner Docs page for sending emails for info regarding this topic. Particularly at the bottom about placeholders [info] and customizing notification messages.
Also make sure the "plain text" checkbox is not marked when you use this feature.
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