Regarding the <DefaultValue> tag in this doc: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/schemadoc/Protocol/Protocol.Params.Param.Interprete.DefaultValue.html
I'm wondering if it can take the value of another parameter instead of a hardcoded value.
Hi Trong,
Unfortunately, that is not possible, the DefaultValue tag is only compatible with hardcoded values.
The only option in your case would be to use a QAction triggered by an after startup trigger and then read the source parameter and set its value to the destination parameter.
Hi Trong,
Unfortunately not, it is only capable of setting the parameter when it does not have a saved value at the start of the element. Shadowing another parameter is possible with either copy actions or a QAction. However, if the shadowing should stop as soon as some other logic is setting the value, then you may need an additional state stored somewhere, presumably another parameter.