Is there an example somewhere how to create an Ad-Hoc data source that will read a specific set of data from DOM (DataMiner Object Model) and return it as a custom table?
Hi Mieke,
Following repo on Github contains an ad hoc datasource that reads DOM data:
More specifically you can find some code here which uses the DomHelper to fetch instances:
Please note: This datasource has been designed to implement the forthcoming real-time ad hoc updates feature, which is not yet available.
Hope this helps!
Best regards, Ward

thank you
I am using the built-in feature as much as possible.
But I could not figure out how to show a DOM table with an extra column containing a Count of rows matching a filter in another table.
e.g. Customer table with an extra column showing the number of orders.
And the Orders are a different DOM definition with a field that references to the customer.

Hi Mieke,
For that use-case, woud it be possible to do the following:
– Fetch customers
– Fetch amount of orders per customer (fetch the orders, aggregate and group by customer)
– Inner join both tables
Best regards, Ward
Additionally, I’d like to highlight that the built-in DOM data source is preferred, if feasible, as it incorporates optimizations tailored for efficiency.