Hi, I understand there is a multiple set feature on element parameter, but is it applicable for custom properties that I defined on element as well?
There is not a similar way to do this for properties like is done for parameters.
If there are a lot of properties that need be be changed then below could be an alternative to have some kind of bulk edit:
When a surveyor view card is opened, it's possible to go to "Elements". Select the needed elements, right-click, and select "Actions"->"Export". Choose "Export to comma-separated file (*.csv"), next save as comma-separated values (.csv) file. and click on the export button. In the created csv file, the properties can be adapted and then the csv file can be imported again.

Thanks for the answer! The scripting way can work but it is not as intuitive as the current Multiple Set little popup. The popup is really helpful for administrators to verify current values and picking the right elements to update for.
There is no out-of-the-box way to do this implemented in DataMiner. Of course, you could write an Automation Script that does this for you. It seems like a small enough use case to me, so it could be a great way for you to train your scripting skills! And of course, the community would be happy to help you out. (Maybe someone already has a script even.)

Hello all!
I have an automation script that creates elements, the only thing that I am missing is setting the Custom properties.
Does any of you knows how to do it or if there is an Automation script that is doing this ?
Right, of course! This is the correct answer, csv export!