Wi-Fi has become so widespread that hardly any consumer stops to think exactly how they are sending emails, watching videos and TV, or managing their remote systems. Wi-Fi has really evolved into a commodity no one can do without … not even temporarily.

From niche product to commodity
Over the years, many enterprises and service providers have been upgrading to intelligent network management platforms to optimize their Wi-Fi network operations. With success!
These intelligent platforms have simplified the whole process of monitoring and managing the entire network, down to every single access point and all its configurations and stats. What’s more, they have also made it far more affordable to build and operate Wi-Fi networks.
Consequently, B2B Wi-Fi has rapidly evolved from a niche product into a commodity.
Efficient & proactive remote operations are business-critical
Commodities have the tendency to become invisible … until something goes wrong! That’s right. When the connection is lost, that’s when consumers suddenly realize they’re using Wi-Fi.

And who gets the call? The service provider!
It doesn’t matter whether the network works perfectly most of the time, customers remember the network outages. So, managing Wi-Fi Quality of Service (QoS) efficiently and proactively is the only key to success.
Deliver an excellent customer experience
You can’t leave anything up to chance. It takes hard work to deliver an adequate customer experience at minimum expenditure, but it takes something more to deliver an excellent customer experience.

Whether you need Wi-Fi in your offices, stores, remote facilities, oil rigs, airplanes, cruise ships, or vehicles, you can count on DataMiner to deliver that “something more”.
Our DataMiner solution for B2B Wi-Fi networks manages your network and service quality and provides real-time and proactive insights into the status and SLA performance to operators, B2B enterprise customers and end-users.
But it doesn’t end there! DataMiner also enables multi-tenant collaboration, service management, and operation so you can efficiently digitize all your workflows.
Learn more about the DataMiner B2B Wi-Fi Networks solution
Want to know more about our B2B WI-Fi Networks solution for the efficient and proactive management of remote operations?