What’s new in DataMiner Integration Studio v2.37

What’s new in DataMiner Integration Studio v2.37

DIS version 2.37 is now available for download! This new version features multiple improvements, including the highlights below.

Not familiar yet with the DataMiner Integration Studio? You can learn all about it on the DIS expert hub.

For a complete overview of all changes in this new version, check the release notes.

Partial support for NuGet packages

You can now use NuGet packages in protocols and automation scripts!

This should greatly improve productivity because:

  • It’s very easy to use 3rd party packages.
  • You can easily make your own NuGet package and share it across multiple protocols & automation scripts.
  • Compiling protocols will properly generate the QAction@dllImport attributes referencing DLLs required by consumed NuGet packages.
  • Compiling automation scripts will properly generate the Exe/Param XML elements referencing DLLs required by consumed NuGet packages.
  • When you use the “File/Save Compiled Protocol As…” or “File/Save (All) Compiled Script As…”, DIS will now, on top of the compiled XML file, also save a DLLs folder containing the DLLs required by consumed NuGet packages.

Please note that the “publish” functionality will currently only publish the compiled XML file and not yet the NuGet DLLs.

Real-time StyleCop Analyzer

We’ve replaced the outdated StyleCop plugin, which is marked as obsolete, with the more modern StyleCop Analyzer. This comes with many advantages, including these:

  • You get a more up-to-date set of rules.
  • The analysis is now executed in real time and no longer requires a manual trigger.

SRM Function Editor can now open profile.xml files from connected DMA

If you wanted to link an SRM profile definition with a function in a previous DIS version, you first had to manually download the profile definitions from the DMA and then open them in Visual Studio.

That changes now! The DIS Function Editor will now provide a dropdown menu listing all profile definitions found on the connected DMA. This will allow for much quicker linking.

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