Unlocking business success with data-driven decision-making

Unlocking business success with data-driven decision-making

In the current dynamic business environment, staying ahead requires more than just intuition or gut feeling. It demands a strategic approach grounded in data-driven decision-making (DDDM). As an agile coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand how integrating data into organizational strategies can be transformative. In this post, let’s explore the symbiotic relationship between business agility and our very own DataMiner software.

Why data-driven decision-making matters

At the heart of DDDM lies empiricism — learning from experience. In an agile environment, where adaptability reigns supreme, relying on data ensures objectivity and fairness during the decision-making process. With the avalanche of data generated in our interconnected world, leveraging this information becomes crucial for gaining strategic insights and staying competitive.

Read up on data-driven decision-making!

Enter DataMiner

DataMiner is the ultimate ally for businesses pursuing data-driven excellence. Here’s how it bridges the gap between agile contexts and the needs of organizations.

Rock-solid foundation

Agile teams operate in complex ecosystems. DataMiner seamlessly integrates data from diverse sources—vendor-agnostic and technology-agnostic. DataMiner consolidates data across all sources, creating a robust base for your data-driven operation. Whether you’re prioritizing features or optimizing workflows, it’s your bedrock for both gathering and visualizing data.

Collaboration’s task data is retrieved through an element thanks to our Squad Task Manager connector.

An ad hoc data source allows us to analyze offloaded data from cloud-connected customers to improve our product.

Agile decision-making

Agile methodologies thrive on swift, informed decisions. DataMiner’s real-time monitoring, analytics, and remote control capabilities empower efficient backlog management, providing insights akin to having a crystal ball for operations.

Enhanced by our focused alarms AI capabilities, alarm monitoring illuminates aging items and identifies bottlenecked areas within our workflow.
User-defined APIs allow us to forward state changes from Azure DevOps to DataMiner, where an API sets the state parameter of a table entry. Subsequently, the Squad Task Manager connector executes that set on Collaboration, ensuring all of your tasks are kept up to date automatically.

Real-world impact

Telecommunications leader Kordia leverages DataMiner for their critical customers.

Charbel Najem, Operations Manager at BAI Communications, attests that DataMiner provides an excellent canvas for customizable real-time monitoring, analytics, and remote control.


Data-driven decisions steer agile ships through uncharted waters. With DataMiner, your organization can navigate confidently, adapt swiftly, and thrive in the age of data.

Want to learn more?

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Want to explore other ways we dogfood our own software, such as using data and Low-Code Apps to create delivery forecasts?

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