SRM framework 1.2.6 enhances interaction with operators

SRM framework 1.2.6 enhances interaction with operators

With the new 1.2.6 release, several features and enhancements have been added to the SRM framework, allowing faster booking creation and better interaction with end users.

Fast silent booking creation

In case bookings are created using a custom front end that already implements resource filtering, developers can now bypass unnecessary resource validation (availability, capacity and capability). Of course, a final check is still made server side to make sure that the requested bookings are valid.

Data Transfer Rules (DTR)

DTR now supports transferring a selected profile instance to other nodes that are part of the same bookings. When a booking is created containing main and backup nodes, it is not required to select a profile instance for both nodes; DTR can transfer the profile instance selected for the first node to the second node.

Custom feedback during booking creation

If custom scripts are executed to perform custom logic in the background when a booking is confirmed, the SRM framework can now report any custom message to the user when this custom logic fails. This can for instance be used to report to the user that there are not enough tie-line resources to interconnect two SDI routers.

Accessing previous service state in Life cycle Service Orchestration (LSO) script

In LSO scripts, it is now possible to retrieve the previous service state and take any custom action based on that state. This can for instance be used to keep the service in a “Failed” state in case previous booking events have already failed.

You can find a complete list of the features and enhancements of SRM 1.2.6 in the release notes.

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