Rewind ⏪ DataMiner Inspire workshops (Blue Track)

Rewind ⏪ DataMiner Inspire workshops (Blue Track)

We’re back with another batch of DataMiner Inspire workshop videos introducing you to some of the hottest and newest DataMiner capabilities, from our user-definable DataMiner Apps to the powerful Generic Query Interface (GQI)!

DataMiner Inspire – Blue Track recordings

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Getting started with DataMiner Dashboards

Find out how to work with DataMiner Dashboards, starting from the basic features and capabilities, all the way to creating your own dashboards to leverage the wealth of data in your DataMiner System. 

Query any data using GQI

Discover how to leverage the power of GQI to query data from any source. This workshop takes a closer look at how the data engine can be used to generate dashboards that provide essential insights into your data. 

Object Modeling and Apps

Learn how you can create low-code apps to empower your digital transformation journey. Combining their functionality with DOM (DataMiner Object Model) will allow you to create an app for any imaginable use case. 

Also available: Red Track & Green Track recordings

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