A question relating to the use of workspaces. Can you have an alarm list in a workspace that shows the 'Statistical View' and keep it permanent in that workspace. I have tried this, but it seems to default to the list view every time.
Hi Ken,
This is not possible. When the workspace is loaded the alarmlist will show the listview by default. This is the same behavior as in the alarmconsole. When you have a tab in there showing the "Statistical View" and you reconnect, it will show the listview for that tabpage.
Hi.. Thanks for the confirmation... Please resolve.
OK.. It would be useful.. I understand that the user can select the 'Statistical view' on the screen. I guess I can work out a Visio drawing and link the shapes in that drawing to various filters.
Hi Ken,
Maybe you van add this to the feature suggestions https://community.dataminer.services/feature-suggestions
A Visio with shapes linked to the alarmfilters should not be a problem.