There's an excellent Software Support Life Cycle page at However, this doesn't give details of which Windows Server Operating system is supported - does this follow Microsoft's support lifecycles which can be found here: ?
There is a image on which says that Windows Server 2012 R2 is the minimum up to the latest version, but that must be out of date because it also says that DataMiner 9.6 is the minimum. Windows Server 2012 goes out of Extended Support on 10/10/2023, so this is all going to change next month too.
Does the minimum version of Windows Server increase with the version of DataMiner? Are there different minimum OS versions for more recent versions of DataMiner. Could the software support lifecycles link (above) also be updated with this information please?
We do follow Microsoft's support lifecycles, which means that for all supported DataMiner versions, we support all OS versions that Microsoft supports. So, there are no different OS requirements for different DataMiner versions and you are correct that next month, we will drop support for Windows server 2012 R2.
I will take it up internally to update the image so it no longer mentions an out of support DataMiner version as minimum requirement and I will look into updating the documentation to make it more clear which operating systems are supported and which lifecylce we follow.
Kind regards,

Thank you Seppe. Great information and thanks in advance for the follow-up documentation updates.