I have 2 questions related to the same topic.
- Executing a query to read DomInstances via code could sometimes take up some time.
Will this lookup block any other queries from executing, or will they run in parallel?
For example: 2 automation scripts each looking up different information in the same DomModule and DomDefinition. - Can the max time of the lookup be configured? This does not seem to be stopped when the automation script timeout has been reached.
Query timeout always seem to happen after 6min even when script timeout is set to 1min.
Related to your first question, 'read' operations are indeed put on a queue (per module).
This has been changed very recently and the queue will be skipped starting from 10.4.2 (RN38023), which will speed up parallel reads on the same module.

Hi Mieke,
For your second question. It is unfortunately not possible to cancel an ongoing query. When a script is set to timeout at 1 minute, it will only stop after the query returns as the thread is blocked until then. There is also no way to set a max. time on a query as it is the expectation that queries go fast and have no need to have a timeout like that. If requests take a long time to execute, something else is wrong that should be looked into. (e.g. doing very large reads on a version before 10.4.2, while trying to do other calls in parallel)
Great! That really helps our use case.