I wonder what is the roadmap / vision for CUBE in the future?
Will it be available in other browser such as Chrome?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Hi Bruno,
DataMiner Cube is our desktop client. It was running in the past also in IE, but that capability has not been further supported by other and newer generations of web browsers. But it is a desktop application.
DataMiner also offers browser-based UIs, which includes for example the monitoring app, the dashboard app, ticketing app, etc. The monitoring app offers a lot of the day to day for users (alarms, viewing and controlling managed elements in real-time, etc.), but not all the more administrator / designer oriented capabilities of Cube (e.g. adding elements, editing alarm templates, managing users, creating Visual Overview graphics, etc.).

Hi Bruno,
It is not so much about vision, but a matter of where we invest our development capacity and how much value we can deliver to our users.
We would love to further expand the Monitoring App with all the existing features and capabilities of the Cube desktop client, but that would of course consume a considerable portion of our development capacity. And we choose to focus in the first place on other development that adds more value, like the Dashboard App for example (i.e. to enable things that cannot be done in Cube). And for the Monitoring App we focused on providing everything the day-to-day fault & performance management users need (i.e. the non-admin / non-designer users). Or the more casual users I would say, and having the more professional users (i.e. people who’s job is really working with DataMiner day in day out) leveraging the Cube desktop client.
And I know I’m going to say something where different people may have different opinions, which I respect, but I personally also still have the feeling that intensive users always still lean towards a desktop client, if they have the choice. The MS Office suite for example: applications like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel are all available both as web app and desktop app. And while they are even a closer match in terms of features and capabilities (as compared to putting our Cube desktop client next to the Monitoring App), most people that use those intensively lean towards using the desktop app. Again, that’s a rather personal observation, I’m sure that there are plenty of people that may have stopped using the MS Office desktop applications as well who are itching to jump in now ;-).
So in short. It’s not really a vision or so, but rather simply about how can we deliver maximum value with our development capacity (i.e. how much value is there in being able to use the Monitoring App to also edit Alarm Templates for example, versus using that development capacity to build cool new capabilities like our GQI, node edge and all of that).
Note also that while I reference the Dashboards App here as an example of a more valuable investment, there’s more things to come. One is our capability to enable you to build highly customized web Apps (without coding) on your own. That will enable you to build very targeted web apps for the different user groups, which will be very easy to use, tailored to their specific needs (rather than having to explain them where to go in the Monitoring App or Cube to find the information that is relevant for them, amongst all the many other things managed by DataMiner, which are irrelevant to them).
But feel free to share your thoughts if you feel different about this.
PS: if you are running Cube still in IE, I really recommend to start using it as a desktop client. The new extension to it (initially referenced as Cube Launcher, which is in fact now an integral part of what we call DataMiner Cube) gives a great user experience. I personally really love it.
Hello Ben,
Thank you for the clarification.
Completely understand your point.
Just sharing some thoughts though, hope you don’t mind..
Regarding your note, I also use the CUBE desktop app (although sometimes still use IE also to compare user experience in both..) and CUBE launcher. And “Yes!” I completely agree with you that CUBE launcher is great!
I’ve seen CUBE grow for the last couple of years and have to say that you did an amazing job with it.
Recently I was showing some of our new users the abilities of drag and drop filtering in alarm console and on trending panels in CUBE and they were quite amazed! Think they never seen nothing like it. I hope these abilities remain and if possible some of them go to the HTML app so the users that are doing the monitoring also don’t lose these kind of “task accelerators” . Although I completely understand that this requires effort to do, so there may be other priorities on your side at this stage.
Regarding still the “CUBE standalone vs HTML”, my concern is for those users (and might be quite some..) that may find hazards sometimes when it comes to install applications in corporate computers.
I will have to find some strategy for that.
You speak in Microsoft Office and that kind of reminds me of a question that people have been asking:
– Will there be an internal “view editor” in Dataminer in the future? Not dependable on having Visio installed in the user computer? Thank you.
In a final note I have to say that you are doing a great job in terms of the Dashboards HTML app. I am enjoying as I see it growing day by day.. looking further to see the next developments!
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Hi Ben,
Thank you for the feedback!
So, in your vision, CUBE will stay as a more desktop oriented app (windows client) and the web clients would be more for viewing only?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa