Hi Community,
I would like to trigger some actions and configure some resources when my SRM booking starts. I’ve found out I could achieve this by using an LSO script and a Profile Load script. But it is proving hard to develop this from scratch. Does anyone know where I could find a template script for this?
Timothy Van Poucke [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 9th July 2021
Hi Timothy,
If you have SRM installed on your setup, you can find a SRM_LSOTemplate and SRM_ProfileLoadScriptTemplate under the SRM folder in the Automation page on Cube.
Timothy Van Poucke [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 9th July 2021

There is also a template script available for Data Transfer Rules (SRM_DataTransferRulesTemplate) and Booking Start Failure (SRM_BookingStartFailureTemplate).
Basically search for “Template” in the search bar in the automation scripts tree and it will list all available template scripts to be used with the SRM standard solution. Note that some of these might not be available depending on the version of the solution you have installed.