I'm using a spectrum element in DataMiner, but I'm missing the 'Monitors' tab page. Anyone knows why this would be missing, please? Based on what conditions is this shown? Is this a feature to be added by the protocol perhaps?
Using 10.3.2 with full admin rights.
Jochen Dewachter [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 22nd February 2023

Hi Jochen,
Spectrum monitors do not require any special support in the connector.
Typically I would expect this is due to a missing "Configure scripts & monitors" permission for the group your user is in.
Jochen Dewachter [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 22nd February 2023

I have full admin rights…
That’s strange, I checked on another system and have the same.
Something has changed indeed.
The Monitors and Monitor Scripts are indeed missing now.