Hi Dojo,
I am creating a dashboard to replace a report which is currently being sent daily to the customer. One of the tables in the report is history table of alarms which needs to contain critical alarms that happened in the last 24h.
Now I need to show couple of rows, amongst them, when alarm started, when it was cleared and how long was its duration. In the protocols I don't have that information. I am creating GQI queries, and if I use the 'Get Alarms' in the dashboard it doesn't contain the information on when the alarm was cleared, and usually throws an error due to the action taking a long time to execute (Error trapped: One or more errors occurred. Try again).
Regarding the version, the dashboard is on 10.4.10 (CU0) web version.
Does anyone have an idea how I can optimize the action and show start, stop time and the duration of the alarms?
Hi Nejra,
It might be worth taking a look at the following post: