We are upgrading from 10.0 to 10.3 on a large cluster of 30 pairs of DMA's, causing user and mail server disruptions due to excessive emails. How can we prevent this before proceeding with the upgrade?
I presume these mails are from the various alerts configured in the DMS. If you have a good audit of these you can disable them before the upgrade and enable them after the system is running again.
Another option could be to setup a very simple dummy SMTP server (various options online) that discards all emails. Point your agents to this dummy SMTP server and after the initial flood of alerts have gone point the agents back to the normal mail server. You can do this without having to restart the agents. More details here.

Hi Kawssar
The dummy SMTP server only needs to be setup on a server that all the agents have access to.
You will need to update the Dataminer.xml file of all agents as shown in the link to point to the dummy SMTP server.
From one session of the client test tool you can update all agents individually and don't need to open a connection to each agent separately.
Thanks, Wale, for your reply. Auditing the alarm filters to temporarily stop email notifications isn’t a feasible option, as the cluster is large (30+30), with a significant number of filters and diverse stakeholders located globally who actively use the system.
Regarding setting up a dummy SMTP server, does this need to be configured individually for all agents? If so, would this process allow for centralized management, or would it require manual configuration for each agent?
Thank you for clarifying!