Through the security page in the system center, you can view the recent user activity.
What is the limit on this activity view (time-based or record-based)?
Can this limit be changed?
Yohann Guilloux [SLC] Answered question 19th July 2021
When using Cassandra, this is time-based (last 7 days) and is subsequently truncated to the last 500 items.
When using MySQL, this is record-based (last 200 logins + last 500 actions).
These limits are currently not configurable.
Ive Herreman [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 19th March 2021
Do you have any suggestions or best practices to archive logs for an extended period (more than a year for instance)?
Yohann Guilloux [SLC] Answered question 19th July 2021