The DIS validator is giving me the following remark:
I tried to mark group 1000 as ping group by setting the attribute ping="true". Since this didn't resolved the validator remark, I also tried setting ping="false" on the first group. But that didn't help either.
From what I found in the DataMiner Development Library (ping group) is that for SNMP connections you can only define the ping group by ordering the group to be on top. (Not necessarily the lowest ID).
Is this documentation still up to date?
I can't find any information on why I would then be able to define the ping attribute on a group itself. (while the XSD scheme is clearly suggesting the possibility).
For Serial connections they reference the ping attribute needs to be set on the PAIR. while for HTTP connections they refer to creating a group with ID "-1".
The ping attribute can be used to allow testing the connection in the element edit wizard in DataMiner Cube. This is explained in the following section in the DataMiner Development Library

Great. Thanks for that! 😎