A user has a cloud encoding platform integrated in DataMiner and fully managed by DataMiner SRM, but it seems that the user will likely be downscaling some licenses on that platform. How does this impact the bookings that are already scheduled in the future, which are using these resources, and should the user be worried that bookings will suddenly fail at start time?
Resources have capabilities and capacities defined to ensure that DataMiner SRM does always select the correct resources when a booking is created. But aside from the verification that is made on the moment that the booking is created to select the correct resources, i.e. providing those specific capabilities/capacities, DataMiner does also re-evaluate all bookings when a capability or capacity of a resource is altered. If one or multiple future bookings are impacted because the scheduled resource would no longer be able to provide that specific capability/capacity because that license downgrade, the booking will automatically be moved into a quarantine state, and also clearly flagged onto the bookings page. The user can then edit the booking to update it to a resource that can deliver that capability/capacity. A booking in quarantine state will not be launched.
So in this specific example, downscaling licenses on the platform might result in DataMiner moving specific bookings into a quarantine state, if the planned resources are no longer able to provide the needed capability. The customer should not worry at all, they'll be warned way upfront on all impacted booking if resources do no longer provide the necessary capabilities.

Note: This answer is about downscaling the SRM Concurrency license of DataMiner itself, while the original question was about downscaling the encoder licenses of the devices managed by SRM, so it is not really relevant to the question...
On a system with an SRM Concurrency license of 10, there can be 10 overlapping bookings scheduled at a given time.
If the system were then to be downgraded to an SRM Concurrency license of 5, the 10 scheduled overlapping bookings would still be scheduled. They should still start automatically.
But when you try to manually update one of these bookings, the operation will be blocked because the concurrency is more than the allowed concurrency.
In the case of such a license conflict, no quarantine will be triggered for the booking; the update is simply blocked.
You can still manually update the bookings by also changing the time of the booking to be in a time period where there are less than 5 overlapping bookings.
This also means that while the bookings should still start automatically on the server, if there are scripts triggered during the start/end/events of a booking, and these scripts want to do manual updates of the bookings, that these could fail.
One important remark:
In most cases, the capabilities are manually defined on your resources. This means it’s important to make sure the system contains some logic to automatically update the critical capabilities and capacities.