Hi all,
I have create a DOM definition with 2 DateTime columns. A Low-Code App shows a table linked to the DOM instances, showing also the 2 datetimes. However, not into the regional format that I'm looking for.
What settings does define how DateTime values of a DOM instance are displayed in a Low-Code App? Is it defined by the client-side regional settings, or should a server-side system setting be updated?
Hi Leander,
As Matthias already mentioned we've recently been working on making the display value of datetimes consistent throughout GQI. Internally, there are query options to specify both time zone and culture.
However, when the WebAPI currently executes a query, it doesn't make use of that culture option and therefore it always defaults to the Invariant culture.
We'll need to look into supporting that.
Feature task: https://collaboration.dataminer.services/task/205606

Hi Leander, my apologies for any confusion.
As you correctly summarized, in the low-code apps it will currently always show Invariant, and you cannot change that yet.
The options I mentioned only exist in the underlying GQI engine, and will allow us to let you configure the formats in the near future, in the same way you can already configure timezones.
Hi Leander,
This is fixed recently in the software with RN 35640.
As stated in that release note:
"DateTime values in the GQI records were always converted to the time zone configured in the query options after each step in the query."
"Now with this fix, all raw date time values are converted to UTC as soon as possible, and will remain so in the query result.
The configured time zone is now only used for the display value of these DateTimes."
Hope this helps you further.
Ok thanks Ronald. Just to make sure I fully understand, I’m querying DOM with GQI queries. But if I understand correctly, that will always show on the low-code app table as Invariant right now, correct?
A bit confused with the possibility you mentioned with having options to specific both time zone and culture in GQI.