Hi All,
I'm trying to store Reservation data into DOM and am facing trouble storing the Start/Stop Dates of my reservations in DOM in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
The current date format sent out by the Reservation is m/d/yyyy.
When trying to convert using multiple methods, DOM always only recognizes and stores in mm/dd/yyyy. This is how it is reflected in the low-code app as well.
My regional setting is to reflect DD/MM/YYYY.
Would anyone have suggestions on visualizing the date and time in the regional format, in the low-code app?
Thank you in advance!
Hi Rejesh,
Could you maybe post some screenshots that show what you mean? I am not sure if I understood your question correctly.
I would expect that, if you take the date of a reservation in a script, it is of type 'DateTime'. If you store this exact value in a DomInstance, the format shouldn't really matter. It shouldn't be necessary to touch the DateTime itself.
The format in which this DateTime would then be displayed in the low-code app is dependent on how the low-code app or GQI handles DateTime values. I found this: https://community.dataminer.services/question/what-datetime-format-is-used-in-dom-and-low-code-apps
It seems that currently, the default and only option is: 'mm/dd/yyyy'.

Thank you Thomas and Ive.
I was able to achieve what I wanted with the custom GQI operator as Ive suggested.
Interesting to add that using a custom gqi operator, you can take any date time value from a query result and generate a new column with the date time format in any format you like.