What exact permissions does a user need in order to open an interactive automation script via Low code app?
Hi Mieke,
According to the following question: https://community.dataminer.services/question/how-to-disable-cube-access-for-users-that-need-low-code-apps-access, apparently the following permissions are currently needed:
- General => DataMiner web apps
- Modules => Automation => UI Available
- Modules => Automation => Execute

Thank you, I had not expected UI Available needed to be marked on.
We are running 10.4.3, so that is why it did not work for some of our users.
Also good to know that this will not be needed anymore in 10.4.4
Small note on this, since 10.4.4 the UI available will no longer be required to run the scripts. A user that has only the “Execute” permissions should be able to run scripts in published LCAs.