It was noted that running the GetAlarmHistory call on a Root Alarm ID that is no longer active (cleared) doesn't provide the user with the Alarm History for that alarm.
Moreover, it was noted that when the user initiates the API session and during that session the alarm is cleared, if the call is made, the alarm will still be retrieved. However, on the next call the alarm won't be retrieved any longer.
The question here is that this is indeed a SW issue or if there's an alternative call to retrieve alarm history.
Thank you.

Running HF_9.6.0.0(CU5)_20191125-172040 on a MySQL Cluster
If no time window is given it will fetch the current active alarms, if you want to retrieve the alarms that are already cleared you need to pass along a time window (start and stop time)

There’s no input field on the request to specify start/end times.

From the codebase in RC I see the follow methods take in a time window:
These got added in RN14582

For the API call that is being discussed (GetAlarmHistory) there’s indeed no start/end time input fields.
The GetAlarmHistory method should indeed return the alarm records for the specified Root ID, as long as those records still exist in the database (see maintenance settings). Which DataMiner version are you using? Cassandra or MySQL database?