I'd like to show a shape as long as a row exists in the table with the value (Enabled).
My SHOW shape data is:[<A>-A|*|1003,*|=Enabled]
It seems however the evaluation is done from top to bottom and and my shape shows briefly then disappears despite having rows still present that meet the condition.
How can I acheive this ?
Instead of using the Parameter syntax of the condition, you could use the value syntax with a param placeholder as the value. The param placeholder can output all entries in a table, separated by pipes.
At this point, you have 2 options
- Add an extra SubscriptionFilter to only get the ones with value "Enabled" and do a simple ".+" regex check on the result
- Get all entries in the table and do an ".*Enabled.*" regex check.
In any case, your new show condition will look like this:
<A>-A|Value|[param:*,1003]|Regex=.+ (or the other regex depending on the option you chose)

Thanks Toon! I went for the second option and also needed to add “Options|MultipleValueSep=;” in addition because of the default pipe seperator of the values.