Hi Dojo,
While looking at this help page if found that it's possible to define a filter for the resource timeline component.
By using a json filter in the yaxisresource session variable, it's possible to filter out specific resources.
The samples in the document show how I can use information from my reservation to filter out items.
Can I use the same filter to filter out resources based on e.g. a given capability?
Hi Ive,
By using a json filter in the yaxisresource session variable, it’s possible to filter out specific resources bookings on a custom band.
So, resource bands define a timeline component based on given resources, while JSON custom band define a timeline component based on custom filter.
Note that the custom JSON filter and the ReservationsFilter session variable can be combined. Do see the ReservationsFilter session variable as a quick filter upon the filtered custom band.

Hi Ive,
This is currently not possible.
JSON objects only support custom booking bands for now.
This should be a new feature.
I do suggest the following: we expand the JSON filter.
Type will be “resource” instead of “custom” and the filter become resource filtering instead of booking filtering.
such JSON object will then result in resource bands that matches the filter you gave.

Another (perhaps better) proposal would to support ‘filter’ as a key for the yaxisresource variable.
Then it would be possible to have the following syntax in Visio:
yaxisresources:filter=”Resource.Name[String] contains ‘IRD'”
This will reflect in a resource filter which then shows all resource bands that matches that filter.

Thank you for the clarifications Matthias!
Thanks for the input Matthias.
I’m not sure if I understand the answer.
In short, what I’d like to know is:
Can I have a timeline component in visio that shows the resource usage for a set of resources in a resource pool, with a filter based on a resource capability?