I have a visio view which renders a reasonably large number of shapes (say 50 as an example) and then I a using another variable to filter on these on a second button press which in turn may hide the original 50 and render an additional 50 shapes in the same place.
When I switch away and then back again the shapes stop rendering. I am assuming this is because I have hit the number of shapes limit for a particular view.
Is there any way for me to configure the rendering of this so that shapes which have previously been shown but are no longer part of the view will be able to render. I have manually experimented with changing the max shapes setting however regardless of how high it is set, eventually the view will stop working as the max number of shapes will be reached.
Many thanks

Sorry I shoyuld have clarified,
I am applying filtering on Child Elements from a table based on parameter. These filters are being controlled by a button which is setting a variable
for example Button 1 sets the variable (and thus the filter) to “TEST” which display children which have a row value of TEST and button 2 sets to “TEST2” which does the same thing.
When pressing the buttons I get different sets of results represented as child objects.
I think possibly I may have been incorrect in the first place on this question though and I am working to optimise the number of shapes used to reduce the strain

I can’t explain the behavior you’re seeing. Would it be possible to update your question to contain the shape data?

Hi Oliver,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need assistance with this? If yes, could you add the information requested above?
As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, we will now close it. If you do wish to investigate this further, feel free to post a new question or contact techsupport@skyline.be for assistance.
Does filtering mean putting more shapes in the container while hiding some, or does it mean taking out the old shapes and putting in new ones?