Hi Dojo,
We know that there are 3 ways to create a graphic presentation by using,
1. Visio files
2. Dashboard
3. Low Code App
What are the pros and cons for each one of those, and when do we need one over another?
Hi Greisen,
Visual Overview is using Microsoft Visio files, and those are typically used to make graphical UIs for schematical overviews such as top level or site overviews, detailed service views, floor layouts, rack diagrams, signal flows, physical layers, etc. You can find many examples in our use cases section. It's an extremely powerful way of visualizing your system in a graphical and real-time UI with all the necessary alarm color coding and dynamic behavior added to these overviews.
Dashboards on the other hand, is less of a free drawing tool but is more a page where you add the necessary components to it, to visualize your data. It much more dragging and dropping some predefined visuals on a page and link data to it. While Visio allows you to draw any line and rectangle to visualize something, Dashboards is more about visualizing data with components.
Low-code Apps are just an extension on Dashboards. Dashboards are each time one page with visuals and data, while Low-code Apps combine multiple of those pages together with a navigation bar and possible menus and side panels to bring this all together into a fully featured app. Typically it combines a lot of data around one topic together in to an easy to use app, which can also include control.
As you can see, they are all indeed ways to visualize data in a graphical way, but they are all very different and they all have their own use cases.
Feel free to reach out to us if you want to discuss your use case and see which visualization could be the best fit.

Hi Greisen,
Can you perhaps check if this answers your question - Dashboards and Low-Code Apps | DataMiner Docs ?
There are some differences between dashboards and low-code apps, such as the latter allowing for versioning.

Hi Krishna,
I will check again the docs.
Hi Bert,
Thank you so much for your detailed explanation.