Hello DOJO
since we have upgraded our dataminer version from 9.6 to 10.2, we are experiencing trouble inside cube application
Each time we access a view with trend graph, the application slows down, data display and any navigation in another view become very slow (few minutes to load)
Finally the application becomes unresponsive and a timeout connection appears, or the application crashes
We don't view overloading on servers or database
If we remove the trend graph on views, it's OK and fluent
It worked very well with trend graphs before upgrade
Is anybody have the same behavior ?
This doesn't sound like something we are aware of. Could you please get in contact with someone at Skyline to get the details down in a task? Given that this is likely related to an outlier issue, try to get as many details in there (take an export into a dmimport package with the trend data included, have your contact try to simulate it internally, etc.). That way we have a much higher chance of finding the issue quickly.
Thanks for notifying us!

Thank you Toon
This behavior has been observed by someone from Skyline
A task has been created for this
I’ll come back if it’s not a problem our side