Hello Dojo Community,
I'm unable to find DataMiner stencils in visio. DataMiner option is not coming in drop down after clicking on More Shapes.
Thank you
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 27th August 2024

This seems more an issue with permissions within Windows than within Dataminer. The stencils are loaded on the system so it seems more that Windows/Visio did not have permission to access those files on the system.
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 27th August 2024
I got the root cause Visio was not not reading DataMiner Stencils due to some permission issues. I added the DataMiner Stencils in Visio manually and it’s working fine now.
Path:- C:\Users\VikasChoudhary\AppData\Roaming\Skyline\DataMiner\Stencils\10.4.24130.2318\DataMiner
Thank you