I've been using the 'Element': '*|' shape data to put users at the visual overview when they click on the shape, and this has been working fine in the Dataminer Cube app, but doesn't work when I display the visio in the low-code app, clicking the shape brings the user to the url .../service/124403/251/child/ for example, and says 'Select a page to view service parameters'. Is there a way to force the low code user to the visual overview for that service instead?
Thanks, James.

Hi Klass, how would you like me to do that, what would you like to know? I can’t upload files here so probably easier to email you the visio if that’s possible?
Hi James
It will indeed probably be the easiest to send over the info and Visio via email. The best way to do so is ending it to our support inbox: support.data-exploration@skyline.be
Hi, in mobile visual overview, element links will always link to data page of the monitoring app. There is currently no way to have it link to the visual page without also changing the Cube behaviour.
A solution could be to use the Hidden=Cube|Mobile option: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/miscellaneous/Conditionally_showing_or_hiding_a_page_of_a_Visio_drawing.html#depending-on-the-dataminer-client-application-that-is-being-used
This could allow you to have different pages for cube and mobile and have different behaviours.
Now I should warn that we currently have an issue in mobile Visio that makes it so its impossible to have a element shape also have a link (have link and element shape data), this will not redirect.
Could you share the setup that you are currently using with the shape data?