Hi all, I'm trying to link a shape to display the notes in a service/element/view or at list to SHOW that shape if a note is available as in the past we did with Annotations |SHOW. Can someone help us?
thanks in advance!
Hi Pedro, Welcome to our community.
I'm not sure you can show the Notes page, although I know you can navigate to the page.
You can do that by using the following shape data fields: View -> [this view] Page -> :notes

No problem, do you mean that the Annotations Shape Data field is not working anymore?
Cannot format link:
I’ve tried that |SHOW |HIDE data fields but seems that they are not working when you add a new “note”, I assume that only works if you add an annotation so if we use “old” annotations we will lost the new notes which are great 🙁

I think the shape data field ‘Annotations’ can only be used to show/hide a shape based on whether or not that view, element or service has annotations.
I don’t think something similar for notes exists.

Hi Pedro, Jarno,
exactly this question came up today: is it possible to make a shape appear to signal that notes are present for the current view?
Did you find a solution for this?
Thanks a lot!
Thanks Jarno, it’s working but additionally I need to notice my customer that there is a note for that specific view/service when they are working with Visual Overview… I will continue searching the way to do it